Fusion Music showcases Hong Kong as the East-Meets-West locale. This unique genre delightfully embodies the synthesis of Eastern and Western music.

Ng Cheuk-Yin and the Flower Music team pioneer in the development of Fusion Music. With ground-breaking pieces of music and well-received music events, Ng and his team bring the fusion of Eastern and Western music to the next level.

Flower Music offers premium Music Entertainment solutions, specializing in Fusion Music and Jazz. We are happy to advise and help on needs related to fusion band performances, music event organization, and music production.

Hong Kong Arts Festival No Limits “Playground” Concert
RTHK Year of the Ramp Reception Live Music and Commission Work Premiere
BOC Life 20th Anniversary Reception Live Performance
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Renowned music producer Ng Cheuk-Yin, the Music Director of Flower Music, arranges music in styles tailored to our clients’ stories and events. Fusion music performance features at least 1 Western instrument and 1 Chinese instrument, ranging from Fusion Duo, Fusion Quartet to a Fusion Band and beyond.

We pride ourselves as Hong Kong’s premium Fusion Music provider, with a proven track record on music entertainment solutions and bespoke music performances. We partner with experienced musicians and artists, and orient our works towards the specific needs of our clients. For enquiries and booking, please email us at info@flowermusic.hk. Do Check out our past events and performances.

Rock X Classical Music Paul Wong Rockestra Concert
Pop Music X Traditional Nam YamHins Cheung X Yuen Siu Fai
Chinese Orchestra X Jazz Guitar “Tang Resonating”